Sunday, September 7, 2008

self study ----- Smashing the Iron rice Bowl

China's Economic Challenge - Smashing the Iron Rice Bowl is a great book I have read for many days. Do you know what 'iron rice bowl 'means? It is directly translated from Chinese vershion , which is a metaphor. It means a kind of economic structure that all companis are controlled by government. There is no competiton, no efficiency. China has proceeded this patten for 30 years until 1979. The government began to realize that this model could only inhibit the development of our country, so that they tried to smash this out-dated structure and to bulid up private sectors which can encourages people 's creativity and enthusiasm.

This book describs all the improvements and defects China has acquired in the process of economic revolution in a rather objective way . His point of view, which Chinese can not see clearly ,is usually very constructive .

The author mentioned the Dam bulit in the longest river-Yangtze ( Chang Jiang river). This dam is also a controversial topic in China. Many people say that it accelerates the deterioration of China's environment, because Yangtze can regulate the whole ecology, while the dam breaks this funtion. However, it has been there that no one can change this truth. In my opinion, The only thing we can do is to protect our environment all heart and soul, instead of criticising and doing nothing.

I will return this book on Monday, but the new words and ideas has been in my notebook and my mind.

1 comment:

Susannah said...

This is an excellent analysis of what you've been reading and you used it well in your essay.